Enjoy your very own FREE virtual script reading, and hear your script out loud!
What is the IFT Network WRITING ROOM?
Founded in 2021, the IFT Network Writing Room, hosted by our resident Script Coach, and Creative Director Nate Raven, is our weekly virtual script development space.
Our talented team of diverse Actors performs an online reading of a new script.
After the reading, we provide a talkback with IFTNetworks team of Professional Script Coaches, and the participating group of writers in attendance.
We can record each session so that you can be fully engaged during the live online creative process.
We can provide the participating writers with the ZOOM video of the reading, and written feedback as a reference tool for further development of their script.
To schedule your script reading, please complete the form below to begin your IFTNetwork WRITING ROOM invitation.
We have carefully curated a safe space for independent screenwriters, and playwrights to develop their stage and screen ideas.
Scripts, screenplays, some nights it may be just a scene, our purpose is to further develop your script.
IFTNetwork Writing Room is a Live Table Read of your script via Zoom with professional Actors and Writers.
Readings occur every Tuesday via Zoom at 4pm PST/7pm EST.
Experience a General Talkback and Discussion after the reading.
• Script must be 120 pages or less.
• One FREE reading per script.
IFT Network Script Coaches
Our team comprises seasoned scriptwriters who bring a wealth of experience in various genres, ensuring you receive expert guidance tailored to your writing goals.
Frequently Asked Questions
What happens in the IFT Network’s Writing Room?
A live table read via Zoom of your script, read by Actors and Writers. The readings occur every Tuesday via Zoom at 4pm PST/7pm EST. Scripts longer than 90 pages will begin a half hour earlier.
Why is it important to hear my script out loud?
Hearing your script read aloud by actors helps the writer hear the flow of the story, and helps identify where the problem spots occur within the script.
Do you provide readers?
We absolutely can! But if you have friends or actors attached to the project, bring them in to read. It’s your night, your read, so it’s important that you are getting the most out of it.
Can I invite other people to listen in on the read?
Absolutely. Anyone with the Zoom link can join in on the fun. The link goes out the morning of the reading.
When is the deadline to turn in my script for the reading?
The sooner the better! Ideally we would love to have your final draft for the reading by the Friday prior to your script reading on the following Tuesday.
What if I need to make rewrites before my reading?
In order to keep everyone on the same page on the night of the reading, the final version of your script should be submitted no later than the Friday before, with no rewrites allowed until after your reading. This is to ensure that all readers and viewers are looking at the same version of the script the night of the reading.
Is it really FREE?
YES! We offer a table read via Zoom and a general talkback and feedback session to writers completely free. We do offer paid upgrades with in-depth notes and working with a script coach to make your script shine!
Is it beneficial to hire a script coach?
Short answer: YES. Unbiased and professional feedback is essential to help your script elevate and help you grow as a writer. And we go a step above other services by providing a 30 minute One on One to go through the notes and answer any questions.
How detailed are the notes?
In a free table read, the feedback can come from anyone who participated in the reading and range from general to specific. A script coach’s notes dives deeper into the script and pulls out problem areas with page numbers, specific scenes, structural problems, and overall story beats and plot points.
What if I still have questions?
We are here for you! Reach out and let’s have a one on one chat about it.
Please complete the form below.